Keeping Sane In Not So Sane Times

We live in very fast paced times most of them bordering on insanity. Every person is fighting some battle or demon. Even little children aren’t spared from the pressure. So how does one slow down and remain sane in these times of insanity and stress? Rumi rightly says “Although the road is never ending take…

Closed Doors

When God gives you a new beginning it starts with an ending. Be thankful for the closed doors. They guide us to the right one. Photograph clicked at Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India. Do share your thoughts.

The Intolerance We Hold Within Ourselves

For the major part of my life I have stayed in a joint family and like all places where there are people there is bound to be dissent and my large family was no different. As children most of our childhood was spent being pampered by grandparents, listening to their pre-partition day’s stories, playing with…

Looking Inwards

Sooner or later there comes a time in life where we question everything. Why are we in this job? Why are we lost? What are we seeking? Why are we feeling stuck? Why do we feel the way we do? Our values and principles and do they stand the test of time or will they…

Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge

This is the entrance to the meditation hall at Zorba the Buddha in Delhi. As I was crossing it, this gave me a very disturbing yet intriguing feel of being watched. 

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Perspective

This week’s Black and White Photo Challenge from Cee’s Photography is for the topic: Perspective Here’s my take on it: I clicked these 2 photographs while driving in an auto en route to the Kashi Vishwanath Temple in Varanasi 2. This photograph was clicked at the Tibetan Temple in Sarnath 3. In India, you find these Chai Wallas in…